Our outcomes

There are 7 outcome areas in Queensland's Disability Plan 2022–27: Together, a better Queensland.

The outcome areas come from Australia's Disability Strategy 2021–2031. The strategy has a vision to create an inclusive Australian society which ensures people with disability can fulfil their potential, as equal members of the community.

The outcome areas are:

  • employment and financial security
  • inclusive homes and communities
  • safety, rights and justice
  • personal and community support
  • education and learning
  • health and wellbeing
  • community attitudes.

These are the areas people with disability said need to improve in order to achieve the vision of Australia's Disability Strategy.

A full description of the outcome areas is on the Australia's Disability Strategy Hub website.

You can find out what the Queensland Government is doing to improve outcomes for people with disability under each of the headings below.

The Queensland Government also has a number of commitments under targeted action plans and departmental disability service plans.