Australia's Disability Strategy

Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031 (ADS) provides a strategic framework and identifies the outcomes we need to achieve to advance the human rights of people with disability. It calls on all Australians to create an inclusive Australian society that ensures people with disability can fulfil their potential, as equal members of the community.

Queensland's Disability Plan will be the primary mechanism we use to drive implementation of the ADS in Queensland.

Find more about the Queensland Government's role in Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

Associated plans

Associated Plans are strategies, plans, roadmaps and frameworks that focus on improving aspects of Australian life for people with disability and also work to deliver the vision of Australia's Disability Strategy. Associated Plans can be sector specific (e.g. the arts sector) or for a specific segment of the community (e.g. people with intellectual disability) and generally run for three to ten years.

Employ My Ability

The Australian Government, through the Department of Social Services (the department), has developed Employ My Ability – the Disability Employment Strategy, to provide a guiding framework for governments, employers and the broader community to increase employment outcomes for people with disability.

Employ My Ability is an Associated Plan of Australia's Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

Contact us

Disability, Seniors and Carers

111 George St
Brisbane Qld 4000

Postal address:
PO Box 15397
City East Qld 4002

Phone: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)
