Our actions

All Queensland Government actions

The Queensland Government has committed to actions under the ADS through a series of national three-year action plans, or TAPs, which focus on key areas for improvement and have actions from each Australian state and territory.

The Queensland Government has committed to delivering a number of actions under the initial TAPs, which cover employment, community attitudes, early childhood, safety and emergency management. Further actions will be added throughout the life of the TAPs.

Find out more information about Targeted Action Plans.

  • Objective 1: Increase employment of people with disability

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    1.1 Build employment skills, experience and confidence of Queenslanders with disability through participation in the Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) initiative.

    Late 2021 - June 2024

    • Percentage of successful employment outcomes for people with disability following participation in SQW.
    • Percentage of people with disability participating in the SQW initiative.

    1.2 Empower diverse small businesses to access support and assistance available through the Big Plans for Small Business Strategy and other Department of Employment, Small Business and Training services by:

    • Developing a Small Business Engagement Framework that is responsive to the needs of people with disability.
    • Providing the Mentoring for Growth program to all abilities business owners.

    Late 2021 - June 2024

    • Reported economic participation of people with disability.
    • Reported economic independence of people with disability.
    1.3 Support the sector to attract, recruit and retain more people with disability in the Queensland public sector.

    Late 2021 - June 2024

    • Percentage of employees with disability employed in the Queensland Public Sector.
    1.4 Deliver the next state disability plan in collaboration with the Queensland Working Party, incorporating a focus on employment opportunities for people with disability.

    Early 2022 - December 2024

    • The new state disability plan contains a focus on employment opportunities for people with disability.
    • Proportion of Queenslanders with disability participating in employment increases both within the public and private sectors across Queensland.
    1.5 Design and implement the Disability Peak Bodies funding program and ensure it includes developing innovative ways to improve the employment of people with disability. 2022 - 2025
    • Disability Peak Bodies program incorporates a focus on employment of people with disability.
    • Disability Peak Bodies program implemented by 1 July 2022.
    1.6 Fund disability peak bodies to deliver actions including to support employers in attracting, recruiting and retaining people with disability. 2021 - 2024
    • Funding agreements in place with service providers and outcomes measured through regular service reporting.
    1.7 Implement an employment program to recruit neurodiverse people to skilled roles within the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy (including but not limited to IT, digital and cyber security). The program will use appropriate assessment techniques and provide on the job support for successful applicants and teams.

    January 2022 - December 2022

    • Increase the percentage of new employees to the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy's workforce, identified as having a disability (specifically a focus on neurodiverse people).
    • Percentage of people sharing information about their diversity through the Working for Queensland survey, School Opinion Survey and Workforce Diversity Census.
    1.8 The All Kinds of Minds neurodiversity pilot is a key deliverable of the Able. Valuing talent in all abilities workforce strategy which aims to establish pathways for recruitment that target the strengths and talent of a diverse workforce, focusing on people who are neurodiverse. The pilot is supported by embedding inclusion as an organisational capability through becoming a “neurosmart” employer of choice through awareness and training. 2020 - 2023
    • Increase the percentage of new employees to the Queensland Department of Education's workforce, identified as having a disability (specifically a focus on neurodiverse people).
    • Percentage of people sharing information about their diversity through the Working for Queensland survey, School Opinion Survey and Workforce Diversity Census.

    Objective 2: Improve the transition of young people with disability from education to employment

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    2.1 Encourage and support the participation of young Queenslanders with disability in VET through tailored learning pathways under Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) and through the Skills Disability Support (SDS) service.

    Late 2021 - June 2024

    • Number of young Queenslanders with disability participating in VET.
    • Percentage of employment outcomes for young people with disability following participation in SQW.
    • Maintained demand for SDS services.
    • Proportion of VET graduates with disability in employment or further study.
    • Proportion of VET graduates with disability satisfied with their training.
    2.2 Support eligible school leavers to access the NDIS to obtain the supports they need to transition from school-based learning programs to employment. 2021 - 2022
    • Eligible school leavers are supported to access the NDIS through the Assessment and Referral Team.
    2.3 Strengthen career education support and transitions to life after school through implementing Every student with a disability succeeding plan 2021-2025. 2021-2025
    • Senior Education and Training Planning procedure published.
    • Career education support material published.
  • Objective 1: Employers value the contribution people with disability make to the workforce, and recognise the benefits of employing people with disability

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    1.1 Give businesses the confidence to employ Queenslanders who have experienced a period of unemployment and help workers facing disadvantage in the labour market, including people with a disability through participation in the revitalised Back to Work (BTW) program.

    Late 2021 - June 2024

    • Percentage of successful employment outcomes for people with disability from engagement in the revitalised BTW program.
    • Percentage of people with disability participating in the revitalised BTW program.
    • Number of people with disability who gain employment following period of unemployment in regional areas.

    Objective 2: Key professional workforces are able to confidently and positively respond to people with disability

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    2.1 Collaborate with NDIA Community Engagement and specialist staff to provide routine information sessions and disability-related professional development to child protection frontline workers. June 2023
    • Percentage of frontline workforce participating in information sessions and disability-related professional development.
    2.2 Continue to engage in educational and awareness raising communications campaign providing information about disability in a variety of service contexts, including youth justice and child safety. June 2023
    • Number of campaigns undertaken.
    • Percentage of frontline workforce participating in educational and awareness campaigns and presentations.
    2.3 Review and update training packages for Custodial and Community Corrections staff to enhance staff awareness on the complex needs and vulnerabilities of people with disability. 30 June 2023
    • Training is reviewed and updated.
    • Training is promoted across Custodial and Community Corrections staff.
    2.4 Review the Disability Awareness Training for Queensland public sector to ensure the training content addresses contemporary understanding of inclusion issues and promote across all agencies.

    January 2022 - December 2023

    • Disability Awareness Training program is reviewed.
    • Percentage of Queensland Government employees that complete the training program.
    • Percentage of employees that report improved understanding of disability awareness through post-training survey.

    Objective 3: Increase representation of people with disability in leadership roles

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    3.1 Promote opportunities for people with disability to participate on Queensland Government boards. 30 June 2023
    • Advertisement and recruitment processes for Queensland Government boards are promoted, inclusive and accessible.
    3.2 Improve representation of people with disability in leadership roles in the Queensland public sector. June 2021 – June 2024
    • 8% representation at the Senior Officer and Senior Executive Service (and equivalent) levels, by 30 June 2024.

    Objective 4: Improving community attitudes to positively impact on Policy Priorities under the Strategy

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)

    4.1 Improving communication
    Develop a whole-of-government inclusive language guide/toolkit in consultation with people with disability. The toolkit is to include contemporary inclusive language use with a particular focus on approaching and structuring proactive conversations around identity and consultation processes which value individual identity.

    2022 - 2024
    • Guide/toolkit developed and disseminated.
    4.2 Develop and release the Move Together social media campaign. This campaign has been designed to enable general public transport users to understand the need for priority seating, allocated spaces and other accommodations to meet the diversity of needs of people with disability.

    Late 2021 - 2023

    • Number of initiatives undertaken to increase understanding.
    • Number of people reached through social media campaign.
    • Reduction in reports of resistance by public transport users in giving up priority and allocated spaces when needed.

    4.3 Undertake initiatives through the TenantConnect program for public housing tenants to increase visibility and understanding of people with disability, including digital channels such as web content and social media:

    • Tenant stories shared via web content and social media during Disability Action Week (September) annually.
    • Raise awareness and promote community services and initiatives that support and encourage people with disability living in public housing to connect with their community.
    • Web and social media analytics to evaluate the effectiveness and reach of content.

    4.4 The Queensland Accessible Transport Advisory Council (QATAC) provides disability-sector representatives with an unprecedented opportunity for early and authentic consultation on all major transport projects.

    QATAC is a key part of the transport infrastructure planning model requiring the council be formally consulted before the finalisations of any project plans. This will apply to all forms of transport, ensuring persons with disability have a strong voice in a formal capacity for future infrastructure in Queensland. QATAC was established on 21 September 2020 and appointments to QATAC expire on 20 September 2023.
    2021 - 2023
    • Increase in the number of transport infrastructure project plans that formally consider the needs of people with disability.
    4.5 Fund the Queensland Disability Advocacy Program to enhance capacity of people with disability to self-advocate, promote the rights of individuals, as well as address systemic issues of discrimination and unfair treatment. 2022 - June 2023
    • Disability advocacy service recipients experience improved interactions with mainstream service systems measured through regular reporting by funded advocacy organisations.
    • Insights and evidence on systemic advocacy issues are identified and escalated through the Queensland Disability Advocacy Hub.
    4.6 Advance market opportunities for First Nations providers to deliver culturally appropriate services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living with disability. 2021 - 2022
    • Improved awareness by First Nations providers of service development and delivery opportunities across Queensland.
    • Increase in First Nations Disability Worker Screening clearances.
  • Objective 1: Enable early identification of disability or developmental concerns and develop clearer pathways and timely access to appropriate supports

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)

    1.1 Support inclusive practice in Queensland kindergartens by updating and promoting the Early Years Connect training and resources for the early detection of disability or developmental concerns in young children, evidence-based practice strategies and wellbeing outcomes.

    Targeted training and resources will be tailored to the needs of children in priority population groups.
    January 2022 - December 2024
    • Training and resources promoted broadly and targeted to Early Childhood Education and Care services.
    1.2 Support inclusive practice in Early Years Places through targeted training and the development of resources tailored to assist with the identification of the needs of young children with disability and/or developmental concerns. January 2022 - December 2024
    • Best practice guide developed and evaluated.
    1.3 Facilitate connections between ECDP, kindergartens, schools, NDIS and Early Years Places to ensure successful transitions for children with disability. December 2022
    • Early Years Services report on improved and/or increased partnerships with ECDP, Schools and NDIS to support successful transitions.
    1.4 Support parents of children with a disability through the Stepping Stones Triple P parenting program, which is designed to offer tailored support to meet the different needs of families raising children with disability. 30 June 2023
    • Percentage of children/families with disability supported through the program.

    1.5 Enhancing specialist individual advocacy services – Children and younger people
    Fund the Queensland Disability Advocacy Program Specialist Individual Advocacy service to ensure children and younger people with disability receive advocacy supports that uphold their rights and interests and to increase the control they have over their lives, through representation and building the person's capacity for self-advocacy.

    2022 – June 2023
    • Children and younger people with disability receiving advocacy services, their carers and/or guardians, experience improved interactions with mainstream service systems which is measured through regular service reporting.

    Objective 2: Strengthen the capability and capacity of key services and systems to support parents and carers to make informed choices about their child

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    2.1 Improve access to early childhood information and resources for parents and carers of children with disability.

    January 2022 - December 2024

    • Publication of dedicated online inclusion webpage.

    2.2 Promoting, supporting and recognising the role of carers

    Promote the role of carers and ensure their views are heard and inform policy and program development though:

    • Funding Carers Queensland as a peak disability body to 30 June 2022.
    • Administering a Ministerial Advisory Council to provide a voice for carers.
    • Promoting and upholding the principles in the Carers Recognition Act 2008 'Carers Charter'.

    2022 - 2024

    (Carers Queensland funding to 30 June 2022)
    • Carers Queensland funded as a disability peak body to 30 June 2022 to promote the role of carers as measured through regular service reporting.
    • Regular meetings of the Queensland Carers Advisory Council, established under the Carers (Recognition) Act 2008 (Qld), provides advice on work to promote the interests of carers and make recommendations to support carer recognition.

    Objective 3: Encourage a stronger sense of inclusion and provide opportunities for parents, carers and children to build peer networks, including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and culturally and linguistically diverse parents and carers

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    3.1 Promote greater inclusivity of children aged from birth to eight years with disability and/or developmental delay who are from diverse communities attending the Early Years Places.

    January 2022 - December 2024

    • Best practice guide developed and evaluated.
    • Number of children with disability who participated in activities at an Early Years place.
    • Number of parents/carers with disability who participated in activities at an Early Years place.
    3.2 Fund disability peak bodies to deliver actions to improve inclusion for people with disability. 2021 - 2024
    • Funded peak entities deliver agreed outcomes, measured through regular service reporting.
  • Objective 1: Build capability to identify and respond to risk and protective factors resulting in a person with disability experiencing, or possibly being at risk of, harm

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    1.1 Complete implementation of Queensland's plan to respond to domestic and family violence against people with disability (the Plan), including the delivery of a Queensland-wide community awareness campaign to raise awareness about the impacts of domestic and family violence against people with disability and their human rights. 30 June 2022
    • Number of signature and supporting initiatives reported as 'completed' across the four focus areas.
    • Increased awareness in the community about the impacts of domestic and family violence against people with disability and their human rights.
    • Evidence that people with disability are aware of risk factors and types of DFV.
    • Reported level of awareness by people with disability, their carers, and families in terms of supports available to them.
    1.2 Review of departmental policy and procedure for identifying and referring concerns when a person with disability may be at risk of harm to ensure they are evidence based and that service delivery staff are supported to recognise, prevent and minimise abuse, neglect and exploitation, and are subject to mandatory worker screening. 2022 - 2024
    • Appropriate referrals are made and action taken whenever risk of harm is identified.
    1.3 Ensure that all disability and seniors related funded services have appropriate policies and procedures for identifying and actioning risk of harm to people with disability. 2022 - 2024
    • Agreements with funded services require appropriate policies and procedures and providers' compliance is monitored through regular reporting.
    1.4 Deliver NDIS worker screening and state disability worker screening to ensure that only suitable people are cleared to work and/or volunteer with people with disability. 2022 - 2024
    • Worker screening systems exclude unsuitable people from working or volunteering with people with disability.
    1.5 Implement new and continuing initiatives under the whole-of-Government Prevent. Support. Believe. Queensland's Framework to address Sexual Violence - Action Plan 2021-22, including strategies to prevent sexual violence through strengthening the capacity of workplaces and institutions to prevent sexual violence, and implementing targeted prevention and early intervention activities tailored for and designed by specific population groups (Priority 1: Prevention). December 2022 and ongoing
    • Implementation of relevant new and continuing actions under the TAP, including:
      - Identifying training that could be offered to frontline, program and policy staff across Government to improve understanding of sexual violence.
      - Promoting sexual violence prevention resources and training for carers and disability support providers, particularly those providing care in congregate settings.
    • Workplaces are better equipped to prevent and respond to people with disability impacted by sexual violence:
      - Evidence of workforce training (e.g., training sessions or materials) on risk factors and targeted, trauma-informed responses.

    Objective 2: Ensure mainstream and specialist disability services provide appropriate and proportionate protections for people with disability who experience or may be at risk of harm

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    2.1 Participating in the review of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework. 2021 - 2022
    • A refreshed framework considers the need for proportionate and appropriate regulation.
    2.2 Continuing to work with the Commonwealth to explore opportunities to streamline regulatory approaches across care sectors. 2021 - 2023
    • Identifiable reduction in the level of duplicate regulation.

    Objective 3: Strengthen the design of all government service systems and the supports they provide for people with disability at risk of harm

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    3.1 Measure and report on progress against the outcomes in Queensland's plan to respond to domestic and family violence against people with disability (the plan). 30 June 2022
    • Supports to people with disability impacted by domestic and family violence are improved, in particular to women with disability.
    • Reported level of agreement that there are improvements in supports to people with disability impacted by DFV, in particular women.
    • Victims and their families are safe and supported.
    • Evidence of workforce training
      (e.g., training sessions or materials), including:
      - For the disability workforce to respond to people impacted by DFV.
      - For the DFV workforce to respond to people with disability.
    3.2 House people with disability who are in crisis and transition them into longer term housing with on-site or mobile support. 2021 - 2025
    • Number of people with disability in crisis accommodation.
    • Number of people with disability transitioned from crisis accommodation to longer term housing.
    • Number of people with disability assisted with on-site support.
    • Number of people with disability assisted with mobile support.
    3.3 Explore options for safer admissions to custody, including early identification of individual person needs, and collaborate with key stakeholders to improve coordination of supports for NDIS participants exiting custody. 30 June 2022
    • Safety initiatives options explored and where deemed feasible implemented.
    3.4 Develop a Disability and Mental Illness Strategy to ensure prisoners and offenders with disability/mental illness are identified early, treated with dignity and respect, and have access to the supports and services they need. 31 March 2022
    • Strategy endorsed and published.
    3.5 Deliver the Research Partnerships Projects to better understand the reasons for under-utilisation of NDIS funding by Queensland participants, particularly those who are hard to reach, disconnected from mainstream services and may experience multiple layers of disadvantage. 2021 - 2022
    • Research outcomes provide evidence for future advocacy and action to address plan under- utilisation and improve access to disability supports in regional Queensland.
    3.6 Enhance the ability of police to respond to and support the needs of vulnerable people within the community, including those with a disability, with a focus on promoting victim-centric and trauma informed policing practices, case management and identification of support options. 2021 - 2023
    • Establishment of additional Domestic, Family Violence and Vulnerable Persons Units in Queensland.
    • Training and awareness products delivered to frontline police which include perspectives of persons with disability.
    • Number of referrals made using the Police Referral System to connect people with a disability to external support providers to address the underlying causes of their offending or engagement with QPS.

    Objective 4: Reduce and eliminate the use of restrictive practices in all government service systems

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)

    4.1 Review current legislation and policy in relation to the use and minimisation of restrictive practices in Queensland hospital and health facilities, and ensure Queensland Health has systems to:

    • Minimise and, where possible, eliminate the use of restrictive practices.
    • Govern the use of restrictive practices in accordance with legislation.
    • Report use of restrictive practices to the governing body.
    2022 - 2024
    • Training programmes and resources developed and promoted on alternative strategies to using restrictive practices.
    • Policy and best practice guidelines developed to minimise the use of restrictive practices in healthcare settings.
    4.2 Complete a review of Queensland's positive behaviour support and restrictive practices authorisation framework with a view to achieving the further reduction and elimination of the use of restrictive practices. 2022 - 2024
    • Reviewed is completed and recommendations considered by Government.

    Objective 5: Build individual capacity and effective natural safeguards (i.e. informal supports and protections such as connection with family and community) of people with disability

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)

    5.1 Enhancing specialist individual advocacy services – First Nations people with disability and People with disability from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds.

    Fund the Queensland Disability Advocacy Program Specialist Individual Advocacy services to ensure First Nations people with disability and people with disability from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds receive advocacy supports that uphold their rights and interests and to increase the control they have over their lives, through representation and building the person's capacity for self-advocacy.

    Jan 2022 - June 2023

    First Nations people with disability and people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds experience improved interactions with mainstream service systems measured through regular service reporting.
  • Objective 1: Ensure disaster/emergency planning processes for conducting disaster risk assessments, and subsequent development and maintenance of disaster/emergency management plans, are inclusive of people with disability

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)

    1.1 Lead Queensland's response to key priority actions addressing relevant recommendations out of the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (including findings in relation to people with disability).

    This will include key approaches to emergency alert management systems and emergency information and warnings that are tailored and consider the ongoing work of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability in relation to emergency management.
    2021 - 2025
    • Disaster management services have disability- inclusive disaster management plans in place.
    • Increase accessibility of emergency preparedness and disaster prevention, response and recovery information and services for people with disability.
    1.2 Raise awareness of and promote access to Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Queensland (DiDRR) Framework and Toolkit and other resources to facilitate greater inclusion of people with disability in planning and assessment processes. 2021 - 2025
    • Percentage of new human and social recovery plans that are inclusive of people with disability.
    1.3 Maintain involvement in the National Disability Insurance Scheme After Hours Crisis Referral service as part of its Exceptionally Complex Support Needs Program. 2022 - 2024
    • The Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships refers appropriate matters to the After Hours Crisis Referral service as required.

    Objective 2: Ensure inclusive disaster/emergency management, preparedness and recovery planning processes support the health and wellbeing of people with disability before, during and after emergencies

    Actions Timeline Indicator(s)
    2.1 Design and deliver services according to local risk and community need. Lead locally trusted networks to prioritise risk reduction, preparedness and information sharing across all services to ensure a consistent rand integrated recovery plan that incorporated a health response following disasters. 2022 - 2025
    • Disaster management services have disability- inclusive disaster management plans in place.
    • Increase in accessibility of emergency preparedness and disaster prevention, response and recovery information and services for people with disability.
    2.2 Oversee the development and implementation of a new whole-of- person, whole-of-community and whole-of-government strategy for addressing Social Isolation and Loneliness. 2021 - 2023
    • People with disability and/or their representatives are included as a key stakeholder group in the development and implementation of the Social Isolation and Loneliness Whole of Government strategy.
    2.3 Human and Social Recovery Groups include representatives or have mechanisms to engage representatives of people with disability in human and social recovery planning processes. 2021 - 2025
    • Percentage of Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy Human and Social Recovery Groups that include representatives and/or have mechanisms to engage representatives of people with disability in human and social recovery planning processes.

Contact us

Disability, Seniors and Carers

111 George St
Brisbane Qld 4000

Postal address:
PO Box 15397
City East Qld 4002

Phone: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)

Email: feedback@dsdsatsip.qld.gov.au