Celebrating Multicultural Queensland program

Multicultural Affairs Queensland (MAQ) administers the Celebrating Multicultural Queensland (CMQ) program as an annual, open competitive grants program to provide funding towards multicultural events and projects that engage Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, groups and individuals, and the broader community, to partner and contribute to building an inclusive, harmonious and united Queensland.

MAQ acknowledges the cultural diversity of First Nations peoples. However, for the purposes of the CMQ program, the term 'culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)' refers to people from migrant and refugee backgrounds, people seeking asylum, and Australian South Sea Islander peoples.

Outcomes-based model

From 2024-25, the CMQ program is shifting towards an outcomes-based model. Outcomes-based grants is a new approach that focuses on achieving specific, measurable outcomes and long-term impacts.

Outcomes are the specific changes that result from your activity. Think of it as outcomes = results/changes. For example, improved intercultural connections, new skills or more confidence are all outcomes.

For applicants, focusing on measurable outcomes and supporting these with evidence-based evaluation can help to demonstrate and communicate how you are achieving your intended results.

This approach will allow us to better understand the impact of our grants, and to make informed decisions about how to allocate resources in the future.

The application form will provide guidance on how to identify and measure outcomes for your initiative.

Program objective

The objectives of the CMQ program, in alignment with the Multicultural Queensland Charter, is to provide funding towards events and projects that:

  • promotes and celebrates Queensland's multicultural identity;
  • increases intercultural connections and community participation;
  • increases understanding between CALD groups;
  • enhances opportunities to support the economic and social aspirations of people from CALD backgrounds;
  • enhances community capacity to address emerging issues and foster access to services; and/or
  • increases engagement of general community groups in connecting and welcoming people from CALD backgrounds into a wide range of community activities.

Multicultural events

Funding rounds – opens 1 June each year for events to be delivered in the following calendar year, for example:

  • Funding round opening on 1 June 2023 is for events to be delivered in 2024
  • Funding round opening on 1 June 2024 is for events to be delivered in 2025.

The 2024-25 funding round for multicultural events closes on 30 June 2024.

Events funded under the CMQ program will:

  • improve appreciation of cultural diversity;
  • increase understanding of new and emerging CALD communities;
  • increase a sense of belonging by people from a CALD background;
  • improve feelings of social inclusion by people from a CALD background; or
  • increase intercultural connections between people from various backgrounds

Examples of the types of events the program supports are:

  • A festival that showcases the cultures and traditions of multiple cultural groups to enhance appreciation and recognition of the diverse cultures in Queensland and promote community awareness about the benefits of multiculturalism.
  • A cultural event that celebrates the traditions of people from a particular cultural group or community, together with the wider community, usually held on a date of cultural significance or as a celebration of cultural heritage.

Funding outcomes for multicultural events are expected to be announced by 31 October of each year. All applicants will be notified by email of their funding application outcome.

Refer to the Previous successful applications at the bottom of this page for information about previous successful applicants.

All successful events are included in the Events calendar – see the calendar for information on upcoming events, festivals and celebrations.

2025 Multicultural events

The 2024-25 multicultural events funding round is now open for applications and will close at 11:59pm, 30 June 2024.

Eligible applicants can apply for one-off funding of up to $20,000 for events and festivals to be delivered in the 2025 calendar year that increase intercultural connections and social inclusion by bringing together the people of Queensland to build an inclusive, harmonious and united community.

Multicultural projects

Funding rounds – Opens 1 October and closes 12 November each year for projects to be delivered in the following financial year, for example:

  • Funding round opening on 1 October 2023 is for projects to be delivered from 1 July 2024.
  • Funding round opening on 1 October 2024 is for projects to be delivered from 1 July 2025.

There are two categories for project funding under each funding round:

  • Category 1 – Economic and Social Participation (E&SP) Projects
    • Pathways to economic and social participation – projects based on identified need that aim to support economic and social participation – one-off funding up to $50,000.
  • Category 2 – Youth and Community Connection (Y&CC) Projects
    • For innovative projects that can assist with breaking down the barriers facing young people from CALD backgrounds that can result in feelings of disengagement or disconnection with community. These projects will enable young people to feel heard, valued, supported and empowered, resulting in their increased access to, and inclusion within the community – one-off funding up to $120,000.

Examples of the types of projects the program supports are:

  • Community based activities (such as workshops, training, skills development, knowledge and awareness raising, fostering social connections) to address an identified issue, which are conducted over a period of time with key deliverables/milestones and specified anticipated outcomes.
  • Targeted activities that provide benefits for groups of individuals, such as increased community participation, economic independence, inclusion or access to opportunities within the local community.

Funding outcomes for multicultural projects are expected to be announced by 31 March each year. All applicants will be notified by email of their funding application outcome.

Refer to the Previous successful applications at the bottom of this page for information about previous successful applicants.

2023–24 Multicultural projects

The successful applicants under the 2023–24 multicultural projects funding round have been announced.

Total funding of $1,699,961 has been allocated to 29 projects across the two categories that will support pathways to economic and social participation and break down the barriers facing young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds that can result in feelings of disengagement or disconnection with community.

Find out more about the 2023–24 successful grant applicants for multicultural projects (PDF, 173 KB).

Applicant eligibility

You are eligible to apply if you are a:

  • Not-for-profit/charitable organisation legally registered in Australia.
  • Local Government body.
  • State School P&C Association.
  • Charitable institution established through specific legislation.
  • Queensland University.

And must:

  • have a registered and active Australian Business Number (ABN);
  • be an organisation that is based in Queensland; and
  • have no overdue reports, service delivery or performance issues for funding provided by MAQ.

If you are not incorporated or do not have an active ABN:
You can ask an eligible organisation to auspice your application. If successful in receiving funding, the auspicing organisation will enter into a funding agreement, receive the funds and carries the financial risk and legal responsibility for activities of the auspiced organisation.

How to apply

1. Ensure you:

2. Apply online through SmartyGrants.

  • An Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) form is required as part of the application to ensure funding is provided to successful applicants as quickly as possible after the funding announcement. The EFT form can be accessed through the application form.

SmartyGrants will automatically close at 11.59pm on the closing date and will not allow applications past this time. Please ensure you allow adequate time to submit your application. Applications and supporting documentation will not be accepted after this time to ensure fairness to all applicants.

Help with applying

If after reading the guidelines you still have questions or you require further information about the program, you can contact us by email at funding@maq.qld.gov.au.

If you would like assistance in preparing your application, you can attend the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland's Grant Writing Online Workshop on Thursday, 6 June 2024 from 6.00pm to 8.00pm where you will learn about how to present your idea in a grant application in a clear and succinct way and to make sure that you provide all of the information needed for the grant assessors. If you would like to attend, please visit Grant writing workshop to register. If you have any queries, please email advocacy@eccq.com.au.

For more information about applying online, you can read the SmartyGrants – Help Guide for Applicants.

If you are need assistance with your SmartyGrants account, you can contact SmartyGrants Technical Support on (03) 9320 6888 or service@smartygrants.com.au. Support desk hours are 9am to 5pm AEST, Monday to Friday.

For further assistance, you can visit the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ) website for information on upcoming education workshops and to access their Online Learning Hub for easily accessible courses and resources.

Successful applicants

All applicants successful in receiving funding will be required to:

  • enter into a funding agreement which comprises of the approval letter, funding guidelines, the submitted application, and the Terms and Conditions (PDF), as amended from time to time. “Particulars” in the Terms and Conditions means the submitted application
  • comply with any relevant laws and regulations, such as the requirements for working with children, in the delivery of the event or project, and any other relevant insurance as may be required
  • hold public liability insurance to the value of not less than $10 million that covers the event or project
  • acknowledge the Queensland Government funding with the use of the Queensland Government crest on all promotional material associated with the funded event or project
  • submit any online forms, such as Progress Reports (if required), Event Details Confirmation forms (if required) and Acquittal Reports by the due dates
  • submit an online Variation Request Form to request approval for any changes to the event or project (e.g. change in activity title, dates, locations, proposed attendance, funded activities or scope)
  • immediately inform MAQ of the cancellation of the funded event or project via email to funding@maq.qld.gov.au.

Events calendar

  • Funded events are automatically included in the Events calendar.
  • You can also use our event registration form to seek approval to promote other eligible events and project activities on the calendar.

Planning an event

There are a number of resources available to assist event organisers to successfully plan and manage an event including the Events in Queensland, Best Practice Guidelines for event delivery in Queensland.

Community facilities and venues for hire

There are a number of venue options available in your local area to host a meeting or event. A list of suggestions has been compiled to help locate venues for hire in your community.

Previous rounds

Previous successful applications

Previous funding guidelines

If you would like to receive email communications about multicultural topics, including the opening of future funding rounds, complete the online registration form and select 'Government funding' under Areas of Interest.