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ABS 2021 Census data by Language Spoken at Home and Proficiency in Spoken English

This list contains ABS 2021 Census of Population and Housing data for Queenslanders by Language Spoken at Home and Proficiency in Spoken English.

ABS 2021 Census data for Queenslanders by Country of Birth

This list contains ABS 2021 Census of Population and Housing data for Queenslanders by Country of Birth

QGSO Regional Profiles

The Queensland Government Statistician's Office Regional Profiles for Queensland are informative statistical reports on a range of Queensland community types including local government areas down to Statistical Area Level 2 (SA2) (broadly equivalent to suburb size in urban areas).

These reports are generated automatically using the latest demographic, social and economic data available, including: resident population; population by age and sex; country of birth; proficiency in spoken English; religious affiliation; family composition and highest level of schooling.

Community regions can be selected individually, or easily combined to create customised regions or catchments for profiling.

Further information on Queensland Regional Profiles can be found at Queensland Regional Profiles.

SBS Australian Census Explorer

The SBS Australian Census Explorer tool provides key insights into the diversity of Australia through demographic, population, language and other statistics.

Further information on the SBS Australian Census Explorer tool can be found at SBS Australian Census Explorer.

Australian South Sea Islanders in Queensland, Census 2021

The Queensland Government Statistician's Office has released a profile on Australian South Sea Islanders in Queensland (PDF). This publication uses Australian Bureau of Statistics Census of Population and Housing 2021 data to present key characteristics of Queensland's usual resident population of persons reporting Australian South Sea Islander ancestry.

Further information on Australian South Sea Islanders in Queensland can be found at Population and household characteristics: Diversity.

CALD Health Report

The Queensland Health Exploring the health of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations in Queensland: 2016–17 to 2019–20 report (PDF) aims to identify disparities in health outcomes for CALD populations born overseas living in Queensland. Key findings of the report include overseas born communities experiencing higher rates of potentially preventable hospitalisations than the Australian-born population and chronic and acute health conditions.

Further information on this report can be found at Multicultural health research and data.