Be listed in the multicultural resource directory

The directory does not include private businesses. Please refer to the eligibility guidelines before completing this form.

If you choose to be added to the directory, you are providing your consent to be included in the publicly available resource directory. Your details will only be listed online if you specifically request inclusion.

An asterisk (This field is required) indicates a required field.

Primary contact details

You can add a secondary contact if you would like


Additional contact:

Organisation postal address
Organisation street address
Are you a non-Government organisation?
Privacy statement


The Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services collects personal information from you, including information about your:

  • name
  • email address
  • telephone number
  • job position/title
  • organisation name
  • organisation postal address
  • organisation street address
  • organisation's telephone numbers
  • organisation's email address
  • whether the organisation identifies with specific ethnicities
  • whether the organisation identifies with any particular faith, religion
  • languages spoken in the organisation
  • whether a non-government organisation
  • services provided by the organisation
  • details of a second contact person, including name, job position/title, telephone number and email address.

If you choose to be added to the directory, you are providing your consent to be included in the publicly available resource directory. Your details will only be listed online if you specifically request inclusion. The directory does not include private businesses.

The department may provide your contact details to other Queensland Government Departments and Ministerial offices for the purpose of sending invitations to luncheons for a visiting Ambassador, or invitations for consultations or social events.

The department manages your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) and other obligations contained in the Information Privacy Act 2009.

As the information will be included in the publicly available resource directory, your information may be shared by other members of the public.

We will only use your information for this purpose. It will otherwise not be used or disclosed unless authorised or required by law. Your personal information will be handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.