Family Participation Program

The Family Participation Program (FPP) provides support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families to participate in child protection decision making across the state.

The focus of the program is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families with children and young people under the age of 18 years, including those who are at risk of being the subject of a child protection notification or who are already subject to intervention by the statutory child protection system.

The FPP is a free and confidential service that works for a family independently of Child Safety, and can support a family in their dealings with the department in decisions that affect them and their children.

Family in this context is defined broadly to include extended kin relationships and significant individuals from the child's community.

The FPP commenced at the same time as the Child Protection Reform Amendment Act 2017 was proclaimed and delivers on a critical element from Our Way, which supports the primary principle that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have the right to self-determination, and the implementation of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle.

A key function of the program is the facilitation of independent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Led Decision Making, a process whereby authority is given to parents, families and children to work together to solve problems and lead decision-making in a culturally safe space.

This program operates to keep children safe in a way that optimises a families' participation and confidence in the process while meeting any statutory requirements. Families can self-refer to the program by contacting their local provider from the list below.

The FPP is delivered across the state by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander providers.

For further information please refer to the FPP factsheet (PDF, 415 KB) factsheet (DOCX, 605 KB)and brochure (PDF, 206 KB) brochure (DOCX, 148 KB)or contact